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Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
26లోపు తెలంగాణపై అఖిలపక్షం ఏర్పాటు: కాంగ్రెస్ యోచన
గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవానికి ముందే తెలంగాణపై అఖిలపక్ష సమావేశాన్ని ఏర్పాటు చేయాలని కాంగ్రెస్ అధిష్టానం యోచిస్తున్నట్లు తెలుస్తోంది. అఖిలపక్షానికి ముందే తెలంగాణకు చెందిన కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ పార్లమెంట్ సభ్యులతో ఆ పార్టీ సీనియర్ నేత, కేంద్ర ఆర్థిక మంత్రి ప్రణబ్ ముఖర్జీ మరో రెండు రోజుల్లో సమావేశమయ్యే అవకాశం ఉందని సమాచారం. ప్రత్యేక తెలంగాణ విషయంలో తమ పార్టీ నేతల నిర్ణయాన్ని తీసుకున్న తర్వాతే అఖిలపక్షాన్ని ఏర్పాటు చేయాలని కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ భావిస్తోంది. శ్రీ కృష్ణ కమిటీ తన నివేదికలో ఆరు పాయింట్లు సూచించిన నేపథ్యంలో వారు తెలంగాణ ప్రకటించడమో లేదు తెలంగాణకు రాజ్యాంగబద్ద రక్షణ కల్పించటమో ఏదో నిర్ణయం ఈ నెల 26లోపు తీసుకొని అఖిలపక్షాన్ని మరోసారి ఏర్పాటు చేయాలని కాంగ్రెస్ భావిస్తోంది. మొత్తానికి తెలంగాణ అంశాన్ని ఎంత త్వరగా వీలైతే అంత త్వరగా చేదించాలని చూస్తోంది.
ప్రజాప్రతినిధులు రాజీనామా చేస్తే తెలంగాణ ఎందుకు రాదు!?
తెలంగాణకు చెందిన ప్రజాప్రతినిధులు రాజీనామా చేస్తే తెలంగాణ వస్తుందని తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర సమితి అధ్యక్షుడు
కె. చంద్రశేఖరరావు అన్నారు. తెలంగాణాకు శాపం ఈ ప్రాంతం నేతలేనని కేసీఆర్ వ్యాఖ్యానించారు. తెలంగాణ కోసం రాజీనామాలు చేయమంటే కొందరు ప్రజాప్రతినిధులు ఎందుకు భయపడుతున్నారని ఆయన ప్రశ్నించారు. తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమం కోసం తెలంగాణలోని మాజీ సైనికుల సేవను వినియోగించుకుంటామని కేసీఆర్ పేర్కొన్నారు.
1956 నుంచి తెలంగాణ ప్రాంతానికి చెందిన ప్రజాప్రతినిధుల వల్లే తెలంగాణ రాలేదన్నారు. మరోవైపు ప్రజా ప్రతినిధులు ఎవరైనా పదవులకు ఆశపడి తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమానికి ద్రోహం చేస్తే ప్రజలు బట్టలూడదీసి కొడతారని కాంగ్రెస్ ఎంపీ మధుయాష్కీ తెలిపారు. కేంద్రంలోని యూపీఏ ప్రభుత్వం తెలంగాణపై వెనక్కి తగ్గిన రోజున తెలంగాణవాదులంతా జెండాలు, అజెండాలు పక్కనబెట్టి పోరాడాలని నిర్ణయించినట్టు యాష్కీ చెప్పారు.
తెలంగాణ కోసం సోనియా కాళ్లు పట్టుకున్నా: అంజన్ కుమార్
తెలంగాణ ప్రజలకు కాంగ్రెస్ తెలంగాణ ఎంపీ అంజన్ కుమార్ యాదవ్ సంక్రాంతి సందర్భంగా బంపర్ ఆఫర్ ఇచ్చారు. తనకు కేంద్ర మంత్రి పదవి ఇప్పిస్తే చిటికెలో తెలంగాణ తెస్తానని సంచలన వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు. తాను తెలంగాణ వాదినేనని, తెలంగాణకు పూర్తి మద్దతిస్తానని అంజన్ కుమార్ వ్యాఖ్యానించారు. ప్రత్యేక తెలంగాణ కోసం యూపీఏ ఛైర్ పర్సన్ సోనియా గాంధీ కాళ్లు పట్టుకున్నానని అంజన్ కుమార్ తెలిపారు. తెలంగాణ కోసం పార్లమెంట్లో తానొక్కడినే మాట్లాడానని ఆయన అన్నారు. తెలంగాణ కోసం పార్లమెంట్లో గట్టిగా గళం విప్పిన తనకు తెలంగాణా కంటే మంత్రి పదవి ముఖ్యం అని అంజన్ కుమార్ తెలిపారు. మంత్రి పదవితోనే తెలంగాణ సాధించుకుంటామని చెప్పారు. హైదరాబాద్, తెలంగాణకు మద్దతు ప్రకటించాలని ఎంపీ అంజన్ కుమార్ను తెలంగాణ ఉద్యోగ జేఏసీ నేతలు కలిసారు.
ఈ సందర్భంగా అంజన్ కుమార్ మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ.. మంత్రి పదవులతో కేసీఆర్, జైపాల్ రెడ్డి కోట్లు సంపాదించారని ధ్వజమెత్తారు. ఒక్కో కుటుంబానికి మూడేసి పదవులా, పదవులు వారికి బాధ్యతలు నాకా అని అంజన్ కుమార్ ప్రశ్నించారు. ఇంకా బడుగు బలహీన వర్గాల వారికి పదవులు ఇవ్వరా అని ఈ సందర్భంగా అంజన్ కుమార్ నిలదీశారు. కాంగ్రెస్ అధినేత్రి సోనియా గాంధీ ఎప్పుడో తెలంగాణ ఇచ్చేశారు. దానిని నిలుపుకునే సత్తా ఉద్యమ నేతలకు లేదు. అందుకే మంత్రి పదవి ముఖ్యమని అంజన్ కుమార్ వెల్లడించారు.
(source-MSN News)
ప్రజాప్రతినిధులు రాజీనామా చేస్తే తెలంగాణ ఎందుకు రాదు!?
తెలంగాణకు చెందిన ప్రజాప్రతినిధులు రాజీనామా చేస్తే తెలంగాణ వస్తుందని తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర సమితి అధ్యక్షుడు
కె. చంద్రశేఖరరావు అన్నారు. తెలంగాణాకు శాపం ఈ ప్రాంతం నేతలేనని కేసీఆర్ వ్యాఖ్యానించారు. తెలంగాణ కోసం రాజీనామాలు చేయమంటే కొందరు ప్రజాప్రతినిధులు ఎందుకు భయపడుతున్నారని ఆయన ప్రశ్నించారు. తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమం కోసం తెలంగాణలోని మాజీ సైనికుల సేవను వినియోగించుకుంటామని కేసీఆర్ పేర్కొన్నారు.
1956 నుంచి తెలంగాణ ప్రాంతానికి చెందిన ప్రజాప్రతినిధుల వల్లే తెలంగాణ రాలేదన్నారు. మరోవైపు ప్రజా ప్రతినిధులు ఎవరైనా పదవులకు ఆశపడి తెలంగాణ ఉద్యమానికి ద్రోహం చేస్తే ప్రజలు బట్టలూడదీసి కొడతారని కాంగ్రెస్ ఎంపీ మధుయాష్కీ తెలిపారు. కేంద్రంలోని యూపీఏ ప్రభుత్వం తెలంగాణపై వెనక్కి తగ్గిన రోజున తెలంగాణవాదులంతా జెండాలు, అజెండాలు పక్కనబెట్టి పోరాడాలని నిర్ణయించినట్టు యాష్కీ చెప్పారు.
తెలంగాణ కోసం సోనియా కాళ్లు పట్టుకున్నా: అంజన్ కుమార్
తెలంగాణ ప్రజలకు కాంగ్రెస్ తెలంగాణ ఎంపీ అంజన్ కుమార్ యాదవ్ సంక్రాంతి సందర్భంగా బంపర్ ఆఫర్ ఇచ్చారు. తనకు కేంద్ర మంత్రి పదవి ఇప్పిస్తే చిటికెలో తెలంగాణ తెస్తానని సంచలన వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు. తాను తెలంగాణ వాదినేనని, తెలంగాణకు పూర్తి మద్దతిస్తానని అంజన్ కుమార్ వ్యాఖ్యానించారు. ప్రత్యేక తెలంగాణ కోసం యూపీఏ ఛైర్ పర్సన్ సోనియా గాంధీ కాళ్లు పట్టుకున్నానని అంజన్ కుమార్ తెలిపారు. తెలంగాణ కోసం పార్లమెంట్లో తానొక్కడినే మాట్లాడానని ఆయన అన్నారు. తెలంగాణ కోసం పార్లమెంట్లో గట్టిగా గళం విప్పిన తనకు తెలంగాణా కంటే మంత్రి పదవి ముఖ్యం అని అంజన్ కుమార్ తెలిపారు. మంత్రి పదవితోనే తెలంగాణ సాధించుకుంటామని చెప్పారు. హైదరాబాద్, తెలంగాణకు మద్దతు ప్రకటించాలని ఎంపీ అంజన్ కుమార్ను తెలంగాణ ఉద్యోగ జేఏసీ నేతలు కలిసారు.
ఈ సందర్భంగా అంజన్ కుమార్ మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ.. మంత్రి పదవులతో కేసీఆర్, జైపాల్ రెడ్డి కోట్లు సంపాదించారని ధ్వజమెత్తారు. ఒక్కో కుటుంబానికి మూడేసి పదవులా, పదవులు వారికి బాధ్యతలు నాకా అని అంజన్ కుమార్ ప్రశ్నించారు. ఇంకా బడుగు బలహీన వర్గాల వారికి పదవులు ఇవ్వరా అని ఈ సందర్భంగా అంజన్ కుమార్ నిలదీశారు. కాంగ్రెస్ అధినేత్రి సోనియా గాంధీ ఎప్పుడో తెలంగాణ ఇచ్చేశారు. దానిని నిలుపుకునే సత్తా ఉద్యమ నేతలకు లేదు. అందుకే మంత్రి పదవి ముఖ్యమని అంజన్ కుమార్ వెల్లడించారు.
(source-MSN News)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
T protests take a quirky turn
The protests for Telangana took a quirky turn with Kakatiya University JAC students donning the role of eunuchs wearing saris,bangles,vermilion etc and taking out a rally here on Friday. The students took out a huge rally from the KU campus by imitating the eunuchs.A group of students wore saris and masks of PCC president D Srinivas,IT minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah and Mahbubabad MP Porika Balaram Naik, while hundreds of others made fun of the leaders and shouted slogans against them for lacking manhood.
As the students ridiculed the leaders, onlookers were thoroughly entertained.The protesting students demanded that the ministers and public representatives should not cling to their posts and resign immediately in support of T-stir. Ulemas also took out a rally from Alankar junction to Hanamkonda in protest against the Srikrishna Committee report.
As the students ridiculed the leaders, onlookers were thoroughly entertained.The protesting students demanded that the ministers and public representatives should not cling to their posts and resign immediately in support of T-stir. Ulemas also took out a rally from Alankar junction to Hanamkonda in protest against the Srikrishna Committee report.
T netas balk at Rachchabanda - Ministers,MLAs Refuse To Turn Up Fearing Backlash From Telangana Activists
In a setback to CM N Kiran Kumar Reddys first mass contact programme Rachchabanda scheduled to be launched on January 24,almost all his ministers and MLAs from Telangana are reluctant to take part in it in the wake of stiff resistance from T activists. As per the programme, constituency MLA and officials concerned should take part in the implementation of various welfare and development schemes across state. Abhaya Hastham,Rajiv Arogyasri, housing for weaker sections, Pavala Vaddi, pensions, NREGS cards and Aadhar cards issue will be taken up in the proposed programme,the brainchild of YSR who died in a chopper crash while going to launch the programme in Chittoor district on September 2,2009.
The ruling part ministers and MLAs from the region are reluctant to take part in the programme in view of the call of the Telangana political Joint Action Committee (JAC) to all T activists to organise mulakat agitations across the region with the aim of humiliating the Congress and TD public representatives.
Several MLAs from the T region already expressed their concern over this and brought the issue to the notice of the chief minister who in turn requested them to take part in the prestigious programme without fail as failure of the programme would send wrong signals on his administration.He is keen to make this programme a success as it is the first mass contact event after he became the chief minister. But none of us would be able to participate in the program,pointed a minister. Ministers from Telangana are skepti-cal about peoples participation in the programme at a time when the T agitation is intense and activists are after the MLAs and MPs with a demand to submit resignations to their posts.They are giving bangles and flowers to us. How can we go to villages in such a hostile atmosphere asked an MLA from Karim nagar district. The situation in coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions also is no better as there is an intense fight between Jagan followers and Congress cadre for supremacy in the villages.
Congress leaders fear deliberate attempts from Jagan followers in Rachchabanda meetings to give an impression that the Congress government lost its credibility.A DCC president from coastal Andhra rightly pointed that any nuisance in meetings attended by the chief minister would give the impression that the government lost control and would further dent its image in the already fluid situation.Even the Jagan followers are waiting to exploit the situation to their advantage by provoking the local people against ministers and public representatives with an aim to deepen the crisis. Pending bills to the tune of Rs 1860 crore for pensions,weaker section housing,Abhaya Hastam,Indira Kranti Padham,Pavala Vaddi and mid-day meals are set to create problems to the touring ministers as the agitated self help groups and women might raise banner of revolt in the meetings.
In a high level meeting attended by senior ministers Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, Raghuveera Reddy, Botsa Satyanarayana and Dharmana Prasada Rao it was observed that without clearing the pending bills it would be suicidal to launch the Rachchabanda programme.After hearing this from his ministers,Kiran asked finance officials to release at least Rs 1200 crore ahead of the launch.As the finance officials insisted on more time to release the amount,it was decided to postpone the Rachchabanda programme to January 24 from earlier decided date of January 19.
PASSIONS: A file photo of advocates trying to storm the AP High Court.This kind of sentiment prompts Telangana Congress leaders to think twice before attending Rachchabanda
The ruling part ministers and MLAs from the region are reluctant to take part in the programme in view of the call of the Telangana political Joint Action Committee (JAC) to all T activists to organise mulakat agitations across the region with the aim of humiliating the Congress and TD public representatives.
Several MLAs from the T region already expressed their concern over this and brought the issue to the notice of the chief minister who in turn requested them to take part in the prestigious programme without fail as failure of the programme would send wrong signals on his administration.He is keen to make this programme a success as it is the first mass contact event after he became the chief minister. But none of us would be able to participate in the program,pointed a minister. Ministers from Telangana are skepti-cal about peoples participation in the programme at a time when the T agitation is intense and activists are after the MLAs and MPs with a demand to submit resignations to their posts.They are giving bangles and flowers to us. How can we go to villages in such a hostile atmosphere asked an MLA from Karim nagar district. The situation in coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions also is no better as there is an intense fight between Jagan followers and Congress cadre for supremacy in the villages.
Congress leaders fear deliberate attempts from Jagan followers in Rachchabanda meetings to give an impression that the Congress government lost its credibility.A DCC president from coastal Andhra rightly pointed that any nuisance in meetings attended by the chief minister would give the impression that the government lost control and would further dent its image in the already fluid situation.Even the Jagan followers are waiting to exploit the situation to their advantage by provoking the local people against ministers and public representatives with an aim to deepen the crisis. Pending bills to the tune of Rs 1860 crore for pensions,weaker section housing,Abhaya Hastam,Indira Kranti Padham,Pavala Vaddi and mid-day meals are set to create problems to the touring ministers as the agitated self help groups and women might raise banner of revolt in the meetings.
In a high level meeting attended by senior ministers Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, Raghuveera Reddy, Botsa Satyanarayana and Dharmana Prasada Rao it was observed that without clearing the pending bills it would be suicidal to launch the Rachchabanda programme.After hearing this from his ministers,Kiran asked finance officials to release at least Rs 1200 crore ahead of the launch.As the finance officials insisted on more time to release the amount,it was decided to postpone the Rachchabanda programme to January 24 from earlier decided date of January 19.
PASSIONS: A file photo of advocates trying to storm the AP High Court.This kind of sentiment prompts Telangana Congress leaders to think twice before attending Rachchabanda
Experts to nail Srikrishna lies
The Telangana political JAC will release a counter report on the Srikrishna Committee report on the contentious Telangana issue in a weeks time.The committee submitted the report to the Centre on December 30 and made it public on January 6. JAC steering committee, headed by its chairman M Kodandaram and comprising experts from different fields, completed the study of the Srikrishna Committee report on Friday.During the twoday brainstorming debate on the report,it came to the conclusion that the report was a bunch of lies.The 15-page preliminary counter report, prepared by the JAC,will highlight errors in the report and the panel members deliberate attempt to misguide the government on Telangana. JAC official spokesperson C Vittal told TOI that experts have been asked to prepare another detailed counter report with documentary evidences to nail the lies in the Srikrishna report to be submitted to Prime minister Manmohan Singh and Union home minister P Chidambaram in February.
Professor R Revati is doing work on regional economic and equity analysis explained in Chapter-2 in the Srikrishna Committee report, Dr Narasaiah on Education and Health in Chapter- 3, R Vidyasagar on Water Resources and Irrigation in Chapter- 4,C Vittal on Public Employment in Chapter -5,N Venugopal on Social and Cultural issues in Chapter-7, Legal expert M Sridhar on Law and Order and Internal Security Dimensions in Chapter -8 and Professor Chakrapani is preparing counter report on Hyderabad metropolis issue. All the reports will be compiled with documentary evidences to show how the Srikrishna Committee members were influenced by political leaders and capitalists from Seemandra regions.
Professor R Revati is doing work on regional economic and equity analysis explained in Chapter-2 in the Srikrishna Committee report, Dr Narasaiah on Education and Health in Chapter- 3, R Vidyasagar on Water Resources and Irrigation in Chapter- 4,C Vittal on Public Employment in Chapter -5,N Venugopal on Social and Cultural issues in Chapter-7, Legal expert M Sridhar on Law and Order and Internal Security Dimensions in Chapter -8 and Professor Chakrapani is preparing counter report on Hyderabad metropolis issue. All the reports will be compiled with documentary evidences to show how the Srikrishna Committee members were influenced by political leaders and capitalists from Seemandra regions.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
T stir again after Sankranti break -Cops Say Separate State Struggle Likely To Gain Momentum After Holidays
Police are keeping their fingers crossed on the likely law and order situation post Sankranti festival. Barring OU, there were not many clashes or property damage incidents recorded in the city as the first 12 days after the Srikrishna Committee report was made public passed off peacefully without much trouble. Many senior police officers had predicted such a scenario at the security review meeting called by director-general of police (DGP) before the Srikrishna Committee report was made public.They anticipated that after Sankranti holidays and people return to the city,protests by Telangana supporters might begin.After gathering intelligence from various agencies,police now believe that another round of protests might start from January 17 as the Telangana Joint Action Committee (TJAC) has given a call for highway blockade on that day.
Most students of OU and affiliated colleges and employees have gone to their native places for Sankra-nti holidays.This is clearly visible at OU campus.The situation might get intense once the youngsters return, a police officer claimed.Intelligence reports suggest heavy unrest among Telangana student population over the Srikrishna report and any extreme incident could trigger emotions and start another series of protests across the Telangana region,including Hyderabad. Based on the reports,police are closely monitoring students of OU and also focussing on the moves of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) leaders,their student wing,whose silence police are calling strategic.
Intensifying police suspicion,the OUJAC has announced that they would declare their future course of action on January 18 and hold a mammoth student meet,Vidyarthi Kurukshetra Mahasabha on the campus with two lakh students on January 22. We are suspecting protests at OU campus and surrounding areas, affiliated colleges like Nizams college,areas like Kukatpally and LB Nagar,where coastal Andhra population is in significant numbers, an intelligence officer said. As part of preparedness,three more companies of paramilitary forces have been added to the 25 companies already with Hyderabad and Cyberabad police on Wednesday.Of 28 companies in the city,10 companies would be exclusively used in East Zone,where the hotbed of T-struggle OU campus is located.
Most students of OU and affiliated colleges and employees have gone to their native places for Sankra-nti holidays.This is clearly visible at OU campus.The situation might get intense once the youngsters return, a police officer claimed.Intelligence reports suggest heavy unrest among Telangana student population over the Srikrishna report and any extreme incident could trigger emotions and start another series of protests across the Telangana region,including Hyderabad. Based on the reports,police are closely monitoring students of OU and also focussing on the moves of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) leaders,their student wing,whose silence police are calling strategic.
Intensifying police suspicion,the OUJAC has announced that they would declare their future course of action on January 18 and hold a mammoth student meet,Vidyarthi Kurukshetra Mahasabha on the campus with two lakh students on January 22. We are suspecting protests at OU campus and surrounding areas, affiliated colleges like Nizams college,areas like Kukatpally and LB Nagar,where coastal Andhra population is in significant numbers, an intelligence officer said. As part of preparedness,three more companies of paramilitary forces have been added to the 25 companies already with Hyderabad and Cyberabad police on Wednesday.Of 28 companies in the city,10 companies would be exclusively used in East Zone,where the hotbed of T-struggle OU campus is located.
MEET SEVERAL TOP LEADERS-No alternative to T: Cong MPs tell high command
New Delhi: Congress MPs from Telangana forcefully pressed their statehood demand with the high command, arguing that their plea was based on a strong mass movement while sections opposing division of Andhra Pradesh could not point to any popular support. At a meeting with finance minister Pranab Mukherjee,Congresss chief troubleshooter,late on Wednesday evening, they attacked the committees report for being inaccurate about Telangana with regard to critical issues like water availability. The MPs said that they had been able to ward off a move by MLAs and other party leaders in Andhra Pradesh to quit their posts at a meeting on Tuesday only on the assurance that they would get justice from the Congress high command.
The MPs said they were open to Hyderabad being a shared capital of Telangana and Seemandhra till a separate capital was developed for the latter.They made it plain that there could be no going back on the statehood demand. Besides Mukherjee, senior party leaders AK Antony,Ahmed Patel and M Veerappa Moily were present.The MPs said that the pro-Telangana parties had pushed for the implementation of those recommendations of the Srikrishna Committee,which favoured formation of a new state. Among the Congress MPs who were at Mukherjees house were Madhu Yaskhi Goud,V Hanumantha Rao and Manda Jagannatham.
BJP plans T rally on Feb 15
Want separate Telangana? then remove inefficient Congress government. This will be the slogan of BJP which is organising a rally along with NDA partners at Nizam College grounds on February 15. Accor-ding to state president G Kishan Reddy on Wednesday, BJP would explain to people that it was the only party which had a very clear and categorical opinion in regard to smaller states. It would reiterate its commitment to tabling a bill in Parliament on separate Telangana state,if it was voted to power in the next polls.
The rally would be attended by BJP national president Nitin Gadkari,LK Advani, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Punjab CM Prakash Singh Badal, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thakre, NDA convener Sharad Yadav and Jharkhand Mukti Morcha leaders. Pointing out the BJP had assured the UPA of support to the T bill in Parliament,he said protests would be held at all mandal headquarters in Telangana on January 27 demanding introduction of the bill in the budget session.It would also launch village-level protests on February 1 in support of the bill. Other agitations lined up by the party are Rythu Poru in Anantapur on January 18 and Palle Pilupu during third week of February.
The MPs said they were open to Hyderabad being a shared capital of Telangana and Seemandhra till a separate capital was developed for the latter.They made it plain that there could be no going back on the statehood demand. Besides Mukherjee, senior party leaders AK Antony,Ahmed Patel and M Veerappa Moily were present.The MPs said that the pro-Telangana parties had pushed for the implementation of those recommendations of the Srikrishna Committee,which favoured formation of a new state. Among the Congress MPs who were at Mukherjees house were Madhu Yaskhi Goud,V Hanumantha Rao and Manda Jagannatham.
BJP plans T rally on Feb 15
Want separate Telangana? then remove inefficient Congress government. This will be the slogan of BJP which is organising a rally along with NDA partners at Nizam College grounds on February 15. Accor-ding to state president G Kishan Reddy on Wednesday, BJP would explain to people that it was the only party which had a very clear and categorical opinion in regard to smaller states. It would reiterate its commitment to tabling a bill in Parliament on separate Telangana state,if it was voted to power in the next polls.
The rally would be attended by BJP national president Nitin Gadkari,LK Advani, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Punjab CM Prakash Singh Badal, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thakre, NDA convener Sharad Yadav and Jharkhand Mukti Morcha leaders. Pointing out the BJP had assured the UPA of support to the T bill in Parliament,he said protests would be held at all mandal headquarters in Telangana on January 27 demanding introduction of the bill in the budget session.It would also launch village-level protests on February 1 in support of the bill. Other agitations lined up by the party are Rythu Poru in Anantapur on January 18 and Palle Pilupu during third week of February.
OU leaders dream big role in T land-OU-JAC Splits Into Four Groups As Students Pursue Political Ambitions
The Joint Action Committee of Osmania University students (OU-JAC ) has undergone a sea change since its formation in 2009 to spearhead the Telangana movement. The 20-member body formed by the leaders of several student organisations a year ago has now split into four different wings,affiliated to left and right wing political parties,as JAC leaders are making a bid to carve a niche for themselves in mainstream politics.Interestingly,most of the student leaders who had joined the JAC from non political student organisations,including caste based ones,seem to have affiliated themselves to mainstream political parties. For instance,the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) which was once loathed by most students has gained popularity among many JAC members.There are a large number of supporters for Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and left oriented student wings are moving closer to Gaddars Telangana Praja Front (TPF). Some of the senior JAC members are not hiding their dreams of becoming public representatives once Telangana gets statehood while others say that they have already tied up with political parties.Several student leaders are found more in party offices of political outfits than Osmania University,holding meetings and developing strategies to continue with the agitation on campus and outside.
Interestingly, political leaders were not allowed to step into the university campus a year ago with the students holding the centre stage of Telangana agitation.But things seem to have changed now as political party leaders are making their presence felt in the university through the JAC members. At a recent meeting some of the top leaders of JAC had invited Gaddar to speak to the students.BJPs Bandaru Dattatreya and CPI state secretary K Narayana had also come to the campus, said students who partici-pated in the agitation.In the earlier form of the agitation,students JAC used to act independently of the political JAC.But now instead of turning to the university professors who used to give them advice, student leaders are turning to politicians, said an observer. However,the increasing political affinity of the JAC representatives has caused the rise of a young brigade.
Most of the top leaders of student JAC are research scholars who have completed over 15 to 20 years in the university campus doing their post graduation,M Phil and PhD programmes.They have already given way to the young brigade who are mostly PG students who are allowed to take decisions on their own, said a student representative. For instance,Telangana Vidyarthi Kurukshetra,which is supposed to bring students from across the T region to OU campus,is being organised by the young student brigade. In 2009,a similar gathering,Vidyarthi Garjana,was called by the senior JAC leaders who directed younger students to follow orders.
Interestingly,several student leaders are being currently kept away from the agitation by the regular students of the university.The students do not require the JAC representatives to turn the university into a battle field for Telangana.There are times when the students start protests on campus without being instructed or guided, said a student. Meanwhile,political Joint Action Committee convener and staunch Telangana supporter,M Kodandaram said that political affiliation among student leaders is not new.OU-JAC is able to maintain its individuality in spite of the students alleged political affiliations.Then there should not be any trouble, said Kodandaram.
Interestingly, political leaders were not allowed to step into the university campus a year ago with the students holding the centre stage of Telangana agitation.But things seem to have changed now as political party leaders are making their presence felt in the university through the JAC members. At a recent meeting some of the top leaders of JAC had invited Gaddar to speak to the students.BJPs Bandaru Dattatreya and CPI state secretary K Narayana had also come to the campus, said students who partici-pated in the agitation.In the earlier form of the agitation,students JAC used to act independently of the political JAC.But now instead of turning to the university professors who used to give them advice, student leaders are turning to politicians, said an observer. However,the increasing political affinity of the JAC representatives has caused the rise of a young brigade.
Most of the top leaders of student JAC are research scholars who have completed over 15 to 20 years in the university campus doing their post graduation,M Phil and PhD programmes.They have already given way to the young brigade who are mostly PG students who are allowed to take decisions on their own, said a student representative. For instance,Telangana Vidyarthi Kurukshetra,which is supposed to bring students from across the T region to OU campus,is being organised by the young student brigade. In 2009,a similar gathering,Vidyarthi Garjana,was called by the senior JAC leaders who directed younger students to follow orders.
Interestingly,several student leaders are being currently kept away from the agitation by the regular students of the university.The students do not require the JAC representatives to turn the university into a battle field for Telangana.There are times when the students start protests on campus without being instructed or guided, said a student. Meanwhile,political Joint Action Committee convener and staunch Telangana supporter,M Kodandaram said that political affiliation among student leaders is not new.OU-JAC is able to maintain its individuality in spite of the students alleged political affiliations.Then there should not be any trouble, said Kodandaram.
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